Hema Riven Best Stats
Check out real trading prices of Warframe. M79 and the Simulor XM1105 to.
Riven Mods Rng Is Soo Fair Weapons Warframe Forums
Crit Chance could work but it requires the highest rolls for it.

Hema riven best stats. In my opinion the mods on weapons are what make the gun rather than its base stats 2. Feb 25 2017 810am no dex sybaris god tier rifle. The most youll be able to get w Point Strike Riven is 44 w 3 stats and a negative or 495 with 2 rolls and a negative.
Best Riven EUW NA Level 151. 350 1 12 1 09 1 03 19019 damage on the first hit. Existing Rivens have been automatically rebalanced to fit this Riven.
Rolled a Hema riven with bonkers crit chance crit damage stats. So now I have a critstatus build on what was once a purely status weapon. If I put all four dual status mods on it I hit 100 status so Im not sure if status chance on the riven would be good or not.
Here Ive organized data collected from trade chat over the last 5 days in an ongoing effort to help players evaluate their own rivens. I just got this riven maybe good maybe a bad one how much can i ask. Innate Viral damage effective against.
We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats matchups builds summoner rankings as well as champion stats popularity winrate teams rankings best items and spells. 735 Увійти Крамниця Домівка Черга знахідок Бажане Крамниця жетонів Новини Статистика. Game Info Buff Icons.
The weapon also inflicts lifesteal upon headshots converting a percentage ofdamage dealt to enemies into health forthe player. Weekly updated Riven prices for PC XBOX PS4 and SWITCH platforms. Crit Damage is decent if you use it with Harrow or if its paired with a high crit chance roll.
So i re rolled here it is Hema. It has low crit so most likely crit stats on it also wont be effective. 735 Inloggen Winkel Startpagina Ontdekkingswachtrij Verlanglijst Puntenwinkel Nieuws Statistieken.
Home Best Riven EUW na Overview. This weapon deals Viral damage. Riven Disposition stats on Rifles will be visible if theres at least one equitable Riven mod for said Rifle.
It actually performs surprisingly well. 735 Conectare Magazin Pagina principală Lista de descoperiri Listă de dorințe Magazinul cu puncte Știri Statistici. Damage Multishot and Fire Rate are the most ideal for the Hema.
The Hema is a burst-fire Infested rifle that requires a sacrifice of health in order to reload but in turn uses no ammunition and fires accurate three round bursts of Viral agents. Theres no best weapons and never was but Soma Prime is a very good gun and being a critical rifle it also excells with a lot of high end builds. PC Trade Chat Riven Prices.
Rivens are unique by nature and it can be difficult to come up with a price for one with nothing to compare it to. So i finally got the hema to use my riven Ive had for ages on and Im not sure what stats im looking for while rolling. Damage Elemental Damage Impact Damage Combo Duration.
Landslide gains 25 additional damage for each combo multiplier up to a 375x damage multiplier at 12x combo or 40x with Venka Prime equipped at 13x combo. This is best completed in the Plains of Eidolon as wild animals spawn naturally as.
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Should I Upgrade Or Re Roll This Riven Mods They Are The Only Ones For Weapons I Have At The Moment The Hema One Is Just For Showcase I Actually Thing It
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